December 28, 2008


I love all of you. I do my best to go above and beyond for each and everyone of you as often as I am able. I can't always give you everything I want to, but know that I try.

If you can think of any one time in our relationship that I have gone above and beyond for you please honor me by doing the following...

Take half an hour and watch this video. I hope that it will transform your life in some way.

Thank you in advance for giving me this gift=)

December 27, 2008

Busy day

What a full day I had. I started out with Emily's lesson over at her farm. Gift is coming along very well. She is now jumping fences instead of taking them in stride. She sits down very nicely using her hind end over the fences. Emily is supposed to send me the video from this morning. I'll add it when I get it. Emily is having to adjust her equitation to account for Gift's new found power. We're heading to Aiken this Friday for a "AA" rated show. Wish us luck...

Congratulations go out to Helen and Heather Jervey. They are the new proud owners of Squeeks. They are the ones who I dropped a horse to on Christmas morning.

Then a bunch of us gathered at the Kramer's property to build some fence. KJ brought over the auger and was our "ox" for the day. Although after a wonderful subway lunch courtesy of Beth Randall did have to pitch in and help.

December 26, 2008

Fundraising Opportunity

We have talked a lot about wanting two things...shirts that match and stall drapes for shows. I have come up with a way to get both. I opened a store at Cafe Press. I will work on uploading more designs and options in the coming week. If there is something specific you want to see let me know and I'll try to add it. So far I have two designs up one with our farm Motto "Go Strong or Go Home", and one with a farm logo.

If anyone wants to take some time to create farm related art I can use it to make more apparel designs. Save it as a .jpg and send it to me if you're interested. There is also a sticker done for our cars. I'm going to work or redesigning the above art larger so we can use it on the back of shirts too.

December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas day which means I get some time to myself. I have not realized how busy I have been. I have been running full steam ahead on all fronts since the move. There has been so much seen and unseen happening that I haven't taken time think. I have been neglecting my family something fierce. I have gotten too wrapped up in everything else.

I started this morning by picking up a horse at 4am to deliver to a very happy mother and daughter. Congratulations to the Jervey family on their newest addition... they are the proud owners of Pip Squeek. I parked the trailer on a wooded lot adjacent to their home in Mt. Pleasant. I tied Squeeks to the trailer and left her for the day.

I then went home and Kenzie opened her gifts from Santa. She got a Polar Express train set, fairy wings, and a Diego camera. Then we all drove up to my parents iN Pawley's Island for the day. It has been wonderful to focus on family and discover the person I used to be. I will admit that it's amazing how my priorities have changed in the last year. Where I used to be very fashion focused and had an all designer wardrobe now I get excited over half chaps, show breeches, and this...

Among all the other things that Kenzie received today she enjoyed her first "martini" (water and an olive in a glass)

Well mom just pulled the bird out of the oven. I suppose it's time to eat. NEver mind I already ate half a pound of baked brie and crackers. For all of those who are always griping at me to eat. I'm doing my share today. Hopefully, those new show breeches will still fit next weekend when we go to the "AA" show in Aiken. OH, yeah that's the last farm Christmas suprise. Emily will get to take Gift up to show both weekends too.

I'd love to hear what all of you are doing to celbrate the day. PLEASE post comments.

December 17, 2008

Thought I'd take the time to show off the nifty ribbon racks that KJ built for us to take to shows. These are the ribbons from Clemson this weekend. We discovered we need to make them shorter, but they are fabulous other than that.

Our many thanks to our "barn bouncer". You are a special part of our horseshow team.

December 16, 2008

Clemson Report

As always I'm still waiting for pics. Although, since none of our regular photographers were able to travel with us we may only have a ribbon pic. Not sure if the camera came out other than that. Clemson was great this weekend. But, it was frigid. It never got above 45 degrees in the sun. I packed knowing it would be cold, but even my fleece lined breeches, and insulated tall boots weren't enough to keep me warm. We travelled with a slightly smaller group. There were 4 riders and a total of 8 of us. I have been really wrapped up in some sludge lately. This weekend gave me a chance to get away from all of it and remember how much I LOVE what I do. Everything ran so smoothly I had the opportunity to ponder some decisions and situations that I needed to resolve. So, now that I'm home it's time to follow through on the decisions I have made. Enough about my mental health, on to what you really want to know... how we did.

Gia took both her regular mount JP (from J&B) and Skittles with us. She was originally going to ride JP in the open classes. He schooled really well Friday evening, so Kellie and I discussed her showing him in hunters. Gia wanted to jump him, but Kellie was nervous how he would jump away from home. I told her to hang in there and lets try it. That meant Gia had to show both Skittles and JP in the crossrails hunter. The class was huge. It had 22 entries. Skittles was third and JP was fifth. Way to go Gia!! Gia then had took Skittles in the 2' hunter classes as well. Those classes were even larger as she had 25 entries to compete against. I made an error and taught her the wrong course, but apparently Skittles was so stunning that no one noticed and she placed second. Gia then got to relax for awhile, and run JP in barrels and poles in the evening. She again came home in the ribbons.

This was Nicole's first show with Houston. We learned a lot about him this weekend. He travelled very well considering how he had travelled coming to us. He rode up there like a champ. We discovered he doesn't like the cold and he spent most of the weekend lying down in his stall trying to stay warm. Nicole showed him in the 2' and 2'3" divisions on Saturday. She pinned well in the HUS class of 20+ entries, but not over fences. Houston was very sloppy about his distances and using his hind end. In hind sight I should have encouraged Nicole to push him forward more, so he was using himself better. At the same time I was very happy with the outcome. For the very first time Nicole got mad at her horse for not holding up his end of the relationship. I am not a big one for blaming the horse for our errors. I genuinely believe when horses misbehave/under perform it's a result of our error. This time around I still feel it was our error, but an error I would repeat. To see Nicole start to appreciate the sport aspect of riding, and not be completley hung up in the relationship component with her horse was a wonderful moment.

Now to the big news of the weekend. I normally post about how helpful Diane is. Always being there for me, providing wonderful food, playing chauffer, etc. Of course she did all of those things as always... but, she also SHOWED Houston. She has had 4 lessons, and went into the open ring in a western walk/jog class. Her class had 15 entries, so I didn't really expect she would place. I was so proud of her for jumping in there and going for it though. Yeah DIANE!!! You're a winner to all of us.

Sunday had it's share of highlights as well. Nicole was set to show Houston in 2'6" Hunters. She went in to the ring second. As soon as she finished her course I knew she would be in the top 3 of the 9 entries. She and I stood ringside together for the whole class. Not something I often get to do, as I'm typically rushing off to get someone else ready. As each of the entries rode their courses my smile continued to grow. As soon as the final entry had gone I looked at Nicole and told her she had won the class. She smiled a bit, but I could tell she was sKeptical. When the placings were finally announced she couldn't have been more excited to learn I was right. She then had her equitation round which didn't go as well as I would have liked. We have spent a lot of time the last several weeks talking about Houston needing to be more supple. Nicole hasn't been very interested in taking the steps to improve that area just yet. His stiffness came back to bite us as she had to ride a very tight broken line. She also placed well in her hack for the division. I really wanted her to have a stab at the division championship, but more importantly wanted her to get a second chance to ride the broken line. When she came out of the ring from her last 2'6" class I took her to the schooling ring without saying much. I know how nervous she gets with the unexpected. I put up a vertical again without saying anything other than to ask her to jump it. She looked curiously at me, but didn't get whiney. She pointed Houston and asked for impulsion he lifted over and she stayed with him. When she landed I asked her to do it a couple more times. Then I said alright let's go ask mom. I wanted her to go in the 2'9" classes to pick up more division points. Nicole had never jumped that big with Houston. In fact the only time I have asked her to jump that was when Tansey started stopping with her. Her degree of trust in Houston was evident. Nicole was excited for the opportunity not nervous. She went in and again they got around a beautiful hunter course. Following the eq class I tallyed the division points for her. She was in reserve. I knew she didn't have 3' in her, so I stripped down ring side and put her show jacked on intending to ride the 3' hunter course in order to pick up enough points for her to win the championship. If I got him around clean we were guaranteed the championship as the girl we had to overtake wasn't showing 3'. Once I entered the ring and jumped the first line I had to make a heart wrenching decision. I pulled Houston up and excused myself from the ring. He was tired and he and I were not in a good rythym. I had to make the safe choice to compete again another day. Nicole did take home a beautiful resrve championship ribbon though.

Sunday is Kaijsa's day to shine. It's the day they have both combined training and dressage. She had also chosen to ride in the high gambler's choice. The jumper classes were a fraction of the size they have been in the past. The 2'6" jumpers was a fair size, but then the next to only had one or two entries in them. The Gambler's choice didn't go as well as we would have liked. Kaijsa was so cold that she virtually couldn't move. Em saved her butt, and Kaijsa made the smart decision from then to just take it easy knowing full well that she would place as long as she didn't fall, or have 3 refusals. She came out second in that class. Her first dressage test of the day (the one that is part of her combined training) went well. She scored better than she did on the same test last time up there. The judge did blow the whistle on her and comment that she didn't ride the correct test. We were all puzzled at this, and Kaijsa was just hopping mad. The judge allowed her to finish her test and scored it. In actuality she rode the correct test, but not with the same degree of accuracy the judge would have liked. When it came time to jump for the CT we decided to scratch as Kaijsa was still frozen, and just didn't feel she had the ability to get Em around a jumper course. She placed fourth in her CT despite the scratch. Her final class of the weekend was the important one. She rode first level test 3. The test includes extensions at the trot and canter, as well as leg yields. The judge was very favorable overall about Em, and Kaijsa scored much higher than our last outing. She won her class with a score of 61.43.

I have forgotten to mention one other class Kaijsa rode in. Nicole allowed me to borrow Houston so Kaijsa and I could show in the discipline rail class together. This is the class I explained after the 4-H show when I rode Riley without stirrups for the entire class. This time the judge elected to run the class differently. He ran a freestyle type of class. He basically gave us free rein "no pun intended" to show our horses to the best of our abilities. He had us show at each gait and show the best they could do. I take my hat off to Kaijsa as she beat me by a narrow margin, but I couldn't keep Houston in the canter. He was too tired and I didn't have spurs on. Next time Kaijsa and I have decided if we're given the same opportunity we're going to turn it into a pas de deux. She would execute a maneuver and then I would have to match it. She would then try to match my challenge.

There is so much more that happened this weekend that I would love to share, but I need to get outside and enjoy the 60 degree weather. If you want to know everything that happens when we travel you really should come with us. Remember the Christmas party is tonight at 6pm. ALL are invited. If you live in the area and take the time to read my dribble we would LOVE to have you come to the farm.

December 11, 2008

Christmas is coming

First I want to remind everyone that the Christmas party is this Tuesday the 16th at 6pm. Please bring a dish, beverage, or paper goods. We will also have a $10 gift exchange.

Secondly, I wanted to let my less horsey parents know that Smartpak has some great children's clearance apparel on sale. I thought I might put some ideas out there for you. They are also offering free shipping until the 15th.

Here are a couple of examples...

Dover Saddlery also has some great clearance going on including the fleece lined breeches that I love so much this time of year.

While we're talking shopping I want to remind everyone that by shopping you can enter the code "reinandshine" in the country cares box at checkout and they will give 5% back to Rein and Shine without you doing anything extra. Never mind they have some of the best prices around.

I also just discovered a new website that seems to have very good sales. If you sign up for their newsletter you also get a gift certificate on your birthday and your horse's birthday. Check out Equestrian Collections for more details.

December 10, 2008


I thought I would comment on a part of my job that I love. In this business there are trainers who love the baby beginners, there are trainers who love the AA circuit showers, (that word always looks so funny when I type it), there are people who love pony riders, etc. As a trainer you have to teach them all as they come, but my passion...

The teenagers!!! Yes I'm a glutton for punishment. I love watching them go from children to young adults right in front of my eyes. I watch them mature as individuals every day. I love to coaching them into right thinking and understanding. It's important to remember they are children and as such will make selfish, manipulative choices that typically don't result in the what they want. That's when we pick them up, dust them off, give them a hug and talk about how to make a different choice next time.

The innocence that is in their eyes as they share their dreams and goals with you is unmistakeable. As an adult it can be difficult to not get caught up in what they want. It's my responsibility to get them as close to that dream as I can, without allowing them to blow reality out of the water. This requires quite a dance. It is a balancing act of communication between the teenager, myself, and most importantly the parents.

Some parents are very involved at the barn everyday, going tack shopping with me, and travelling to shows with us. Others have more committments and our contact may be limited to the phone and occasionally travelling to a show with us. Either way it's important to recognize the parents are doing the best they can and know how for their child. In teenagerdom the lines of communication between parent and child frequently become strained. A large part of my job is keeping that communication going. I can't rely solely on what the teenagers are saying. Let's be honest it's very rarely their money we're spending on these dreams. I do have many riders who pay a portion of their board bills and/or showing expenses themselves. But, I don't have any who don't receive help from mom or dad.


December 09, 2008

Skittles' competition

Okay I may be getting ahead since we haven't qualified yet, but here are some ponies who have.

We're a winner

Press Release


M&M Farms Receives 2008 Best of Huger Award

U.S. Local Business Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement

WASHINGTON D.C., December 5, 2008 -- M&M Farms has been selected for the 2008 Best of Huger Award in the Horseback Riding category by the U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA).

The USLBA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USLBA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2008 USLBA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USLBA and data provided by third parties.

About U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA)

U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USLBA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.

The USLBA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.

SOURCE: U.S. Local Business Association

U.S. Local Business Association

December 08, 2008

Time to Vote

I have added a poll for Skittles name to the right. Not that it is binding on Robbie, but I thought it might help. You are allowed to vote for multiple options if you choose. I'll only leave this up for a couple of days because we have to get this done in a hurry. Please vote.

If it helps the only one that is completeley unused according to USEF is Chocolate Kissed. So if originality counts...

December 07, 2008

Name game

Alright I have to comment on just a couple of the suggestions so far. I'll update this as more suggestions come in...

Robbie Great minds think alike. OUr Medium that I sent you the pics of...Jessie is already "Just My Size" so nice one...

Kaijsa... Brandy has a My Little Pony that was Chipper's mount before his move.

Keep them coming!!!

December 05, 2008

Name hunt

We are entertaining the possibility of changing SKittles show name. As some of you know it is currently "Call Me Mr. Feisty". We are looking for something that might be more appealing to a young child. I'll post pics of him as soon as I can. But most of you know what he looks like, or you can go see him at his previous blog

Please post your name suggestions to the comments section of the blog.

November 30, 2008


They have scheduled the year end awards and membership meeting for Jan. 9th. Please save the date. If any of our adults wish to run for office or board member positions there is a nomination form on the association website.

Long time no post

My laptop is down for the count, so I haven't taken the time to post for a very long time. So much has happened there is no way I can catch everyone up. I'll try to hit some of the past highlights and catch you up on what is coming soon.

We went to the Sea Island show a couple of weeks ago to celebrate Cecil's birthday. Gia showed Skittles for the first time and did very well in the green horse/pony classes. She beat Palmetto Walk who wins everything at the pinto shows. It was a great confidence booster for her. She'll be showing there again next weekend in the pony division. Nicole will be joining her for the debut on her new horse Houston. We are trying to talk Cecil into coming again for the jumpers, as it was pouring down rain by the time he was supposed to show last time around.

Then the following weekend it is up to Clemson we go. We're still sorting out how many we're taking. It looks like Gia is taking 2 mounts, Kaijsa is taking Em, Nicole and Diane on Houston, and hopefully Paula on Amador.

The barn Christmas party is scheduled for Dec. 16th. ALL are welcome. We'd love to have some of our past family and friends come visit. Heck it'd be a great chance to check out the new farm. Just bring a dish and item for the gift exchange. If you think you might come why not post a comment to the blog about what goodies you're bringing to eat.

The barn will be closed on Christmas day again. There will not be lessons from 12/25 through 1/2. I will be around, but not teaching.

The boys are making good progress on our cross country course. We have the first 5 jumps completed. As soon as it dries out again they'll get back to work. We were just evaluating a spot for a water complex this week. So we'll have that and a 3 tier bank going in over the winter.

I suppose that's all for now. I can't say when I'll next be ready to post. Wish I new where the camera cord was so I could put up some of our candid moments around the farm. I'm also still waiting for ribbon pics from the 4-H show. hint, hint, hint.

November 04, 2008

Get out and vote

Just a reminder if you're a McCain supporter get out and vote today=) If you're for the other man...what's his name? Oh yeah Hussein stay home. We love you anyways.

November 02, 2008

Fun, fun, fun show...

As always I'm posting before the pics are in. I promise to put them up just as soon as I get them. We had a great time at the Stormriders 4-H Fun Show yesterday. We took 7 horses and a bunch of riders down with us. We had several first time show riders, and first time show horses. Cecil even got in on the fun. Katie Drummond decided to practice her catch riding by showing up to ride Miss April. Every one did well in their regular classes. I rode Riley in the command class which is an advanced version of simon says. You're asked for counter canters, pivots, sidepasses and the like. The only hiccup was I jumped on in Nicole's saddle. I was adjusting them as I entered the ring, and one pulled right off the saddle. Needless to say with an equipment issue I was forced to pull both of them and ride stirrupless for the entire class. Riley was phenomenal and helped bring home the blue for me. Cecil and Katie also rode out of the command class in the ribbons. Which when you think Katie had never ridden Miss April before yesterday morning, and was able to get the advanced maneuvers from her I was very impressed.

Leighton was one of our first time horse showers. She had a very rocky start to the day. When Cecil, KJ, and I unloaded the trailer Alexis (who Leighton was supposed to ride) had gotten banged up and was going to need the day off. Leighton hung in like a trooper and agreed albeit nervoulsy to ride Riley instead. It took her a few classes to get her nerves under control, and some kind words from a wonderful judge, but Leighton pulled it together. She completed her horsemanship pattern (something we don't do at home)to win her first ribbon. In great style for a little girl she came out with the pink one (5th place). To complicate Leighton's first show she had to compete against her mom in almost every event. Catherine made her show debut on Dixie, who was an absolute saint throughout the day. Our final rookie shower for the day was Sydney on Danny. Sydney had a rough start to the day as she grappled with understanding it would be a while before she was able to show over fences. She's jumping single crossrails and lines at home, but is a way off of showing over courses. Her spirits picked up at the end of the day with the races. She placed in almost every race class that we had.

Nicole got back in the swing of showing on Riley throughout the day. As you may remember she came off and cracked her knee at the last Clemson show in August. Dorothy came and made her show debut on her OWN horse...India. I tried to repeat my scurry race win from the spring show on India, but apparently India has decided she likes her new mommy better. I ended up winning the scurry race on Topaz.

Then came the part I live for...the races. Cecil, Katie, and I got quite competitive with each other competing in the races. We had a really good run of 1, 2, 3 throughout. All in all our crew had a fantastic day of fun and comraderie. We ended with a birthday celebration for KJ our ever faithful bouncer, body guard, horseguard, trailer hauler, groom, secretary, and much much more. Happy 30th!!!

Pics coming soon.....

October 27, 2008

Upcoming Show Opportunity

OUCH!!! That's the sound of my arm being twisted, and in turn Cecil's. The girls have talked me into hosting a schooling show day. We will be having dressage tests intro through training and a name your own test class. Susan Selvey will be judging the dressage.

We will offer C/T tests for crossrails through 3' and corresponding dressage tests. We will also be doing stadium schooling classes from 18" through 3'3" with gamblers choice classes at two heights.

We will have a concessions brought in by a vendor, and are working on a few other vendors to round out the day.

If you're interested in show information keep an eye on our website for the details, or drop me a line.

Show date is November 30th at 10am. If you don't want to show we'll definitley need some volunteer workers to make the day run smooth. This will be a much bigger shing dig than our "fun" shows from the past.

October 26, 2008

Nicole's New Beauty

I know I've been a bit slow on the posting. I have to get back in the swing, but need to get the camera cord located.

Nicole's new horse arrived yesterday. He's a 16H quarter horse gelding. Here's a video of him competing at quarter horse congress a couple of years ago.

October 14, 2008

Vet makes funny

I was listening to Dave Ramsey on my way home from lessons last night. An equine vet called in. He had been on a farm visit earlier in the day. The client mentioned that she was a liberal, or in some other way conveyed such to the vet. When he was finished and writing the invoice he informed her that he would be adding a 10% surcharge to her bill. The proceeds would then be held in reserve for the next horse owner who couldn't afford vet care. Low and behold the horse owner didn't think it a very good idea. Personally, I thought it was an excellent example of liberal "redistribution". All that said we are back in full swing this week with lessons. As soon as my camera surfaces I will post some pictures of the new farm. Which I'm calling my own piece of nirvana. (that means tranquility)We had an excellent showing at the state fair this past weekend, but I'll post more on that as soon as I have those pictures from Amelia...hint, hint.

October 09, 2008

We're Back

I'm back in the world of blogging. This is the blog for our new live's. I'd like to say a public thank you to my "savior and love of my life" Dawn Mills. Okay, maybe I'll include her husband Cecil in there too.

Cecil and Dawn are the proud owners of Mills Farms and Canine Retreat in Bonneau. They are the gracious people who have provided us a place to stay, and our horses grass to eat. We are getting settled in nicely and will be back to business as usual starting next Monday. If anyone has questions about lesson times, or boarding please drop me a line. I am furiously working to update our website, but for the time being this will be the most accurate source of information.

I am packing 5 riders to the state fair tomorrow. A couple of the highschoolers are competing for a college scholarship this weekend.

I can't wait to see y'all again, and show you around the new farm. Mark your calendars the farm Christmas party is Dec. 19th at 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome. We'd love to have some of our "old" family come for a visit.

I'll post pictures of the farm just as soon as I can.