October 17, 2009

Cross Country Round 2

Cross Country

We took a big crew to Stono River Stables to school cross country today. We took 6 rider/horse combinations and 4 parents along for the ride. I had planned to get Togey ready for our trial this weekend, but things didn't go according to plans. Katie schooled Togey for me. I gave Jessie a training ride. Gia schooled Riley. Chipper got a rare treat on Jazz. Kaijsa and Em got ready for this weekend. Bailey brought Sassy out for her first cross country day.

I wanted to load a slideshow, but Dan's laptop and photobucket aren't cooperating. So here are some random shots of the day.

October 02, 2009

Upcoming Travel

It's been a long road to this point. Now that I have a suitable horse of my own I am re-entering the world of eventing. Kaijsa and I are heading to Tryon on the 24th of this month for my first horse trial in almost 15 years. This is a schooling level trial, so a great opportunity for the inexperienced rider. It's held all in one day with intro (fences 12") to novice (fences to 3') level.

If anyone is interested in convoying and/or sharing hotel rooms, or just coming to spectate please let me know we'd love the company. Here's a link to the show bill.
