December 08, 2008

Time to Vote

I have added a poll for Skittles name to the right. Not that it is binding on Robbie, but I thought it might help. You are allowed to vote for multiple options if you choose. I'll only leave this up for a couple of days because we have to get this done in a hurry. Please vote.

If it helps the only one that is completeley unused according to USEF is Chocolate Kissed. So if originality counts...


Anonymous said...

Wish Upon A Star is already showing on the SCPTA circut and has shown PSJ in the past. She is pony as well. Might be a potential problem there.

Anonymous said...

I like the name "Tonka Toy" or "Little Tykes"

Anonymous said...

How about "Tonka Toy" or "Little Tykes"??