September 14, 2009

Moving Day

Today was a big day for Togey. His breathing had gotten pretty fierce last week, so he's been off. We had a long series of phone calls on Friday to discuss a treatment plan. Near miraculously he recovered with minimal care over the weekend. Dr. Miller called his respiration 90% this morning. I have renewed hope that he is adjusting to our climate and will work out for the longhaul for me.

The exciting part of him doing so well today was that cleared him to travel to his new home. I have moved him to Rose Court Farms in Summerville. I had planned to ride during the mornings while Kenzie is in school. I was finding I didn't have enough time to get to Whistle Stop and home again.

Riley and Pickles will continue to stay under the stupendous care of Tara.

Hopefully this move and his improved breathing will mean I can get back in the saddle on a regular basis now. Here's hoping I have a horse ready to show in November.

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